Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Le Tour

6 hours in 'the saddle', these guys are amazing. Can you imagine riding a bike for 6hrs at over 30 mph? The avg tour de france rider generates 400 watts of energy, most avg people do 140. It is the hardest endurance race in the world, easily. And the mountain stages haven't even started yet.

I love europe.

Part of the beauty of watching the tour is the scenary, the helicopter shots of the riders cruising thru the old european towns, so picturesqe. No mcdonald signs, no strip malls - just rolling country side and medieval towns in france, england and even spain.

Too bad doping has ruined the popularity of this sport, that coupled with Lance no long er riding anymore. Still, i'm hooked on watching this, it doesn't matter. I love the sport, the pain these guys go thru, the way they have to weave thru the throngs of crazy european fans on the mountain stage (pic) and the pure athleticism. Viva le tour.